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A total of 5 items found.

CFL Eurohub South Park

Luxembourg based CFL Intermodal terminal implemented a series of Camco solutions in 2018-19 for the automation of the rail freight, truck…

DP World Antwerp Gateway terminal automation

Located in the port of Antwerp in Belgium, Antwerp Gateway is renowned by its customers for its unrivaled productivity in Europe, advanced…

VBS at CSP Zeebrugge Terminal

CSP Zeebrugge is a state-of-the-art common-user terminal with 7 super post-panamax ZPMC gantry cranes. Since Camco was working on upgrading…

MPET MSC PSA European Terminal

With a capacity of 9 million TEUs, MPET MCS PSA is Europe's largest container terminal handling 50% of containers in the port of Antwerp.…

First automated gate solution in Ecuador: DP World Posorja

DP World Posorja is a greenfield Deepwater Port in Ecuador. It is to become one of the most important ports on the West Coast of South…