Rail OCR/OFR Portal
Camco’s Rail OCR/OFR Portal provides a solution for remote visual inspection and automatic identification of containers and railcars. It comes with a Train Gate Operator application for further processing and exception handling.
Want to know more?

Start processing trains without delay
Camco’s OCR/OFR Rail Portal scans complete trains, capturing crucial data without hindering or delaying operations.
Matching rail wagon number and well to container or semi-trailer data, an accurate inventory of the train configuration is available in just a couple of minutes.
With train data instantly available, the processing of the trains can start without delay, improving train turnaround and increasing terminal capacity.

Leading OCR/OFR technology
When in- or outbound trains drive through the Camco Rail portal, line-scan cameras generate high-quality images of each container and trailer on; the left, right and top sides.
Rail wagon and well number, as well as payload, are checked by a dedicated camera.
Optional area scans take images of the container front and back. The following data is retrieved and sent to the Train Gate Operator:
- Container number and ISO code
- Trailer ILU number and yellow plate
- Railcar number, tare weight, and maximum payload
- Container door direction
- Cargo classification
- ADR + IMO dangerous goods labels and UN codes
In addition to OCR/OFR reading, the system supports RFID tag reading for the US and Australian markets as well as train shunting.

All configurations
The Camco OCR/OFR Rail Portal is customizable according to required data checks and available footprint.
The Portal supports single and dual-stack trains as well as single and dual-track rails and is also adaptable to overhead power equipment.

Intuitive exceptions handling: Train Gate Operator
Before OCR data is sent to the terminal Operating System (TOS), the operator verifies missing data and pictures in the Camco Train Gate Operator application. The completed data is sent to the TOS.
Remote use of the Train Gate Operator for multiple sites is perfectly possible.
AI-supported damage inspection is available in the new Camco all-in-one and cloud-based The Bridge operating tool.

Trackview: recompiling trains during shunting
In the US, operators can view a real-time inventory of the railcars on the shunting tracks using Track View, based on a combination of Camco Rail OCR/OFR portal and RFID technology.
With container RFID tags and tag readers on each shunting track, operators can recompile the exact train configuration. When railcars are removed, the inventory is updated accordingly.

Key Features Rail OCR/OFR portal
- No limitation in the length of trains
- Supports OCR/OFR of intermodal, non-ISO containers and trailers
- Supports multi-national train types and configurations: single and double stacked
- Supports shunting
- Supports tracking of railcars over multiple rail tracks
- Returns load type, position, and direction per railcar
- Supports European railcar numbers and American & Australian railcar AEI tags
- Seamless interaction and integration with the local TOS or another host system
- Automated Damage Inspection ready
Interested in automating rail operations?
Contact us for more insights on the automation of rail operations. We are looking forward to discuss how our expertise will help you on the right track to digital transformation.