Truck tire Inspection Portal
Prevent fraud caused by swapping new for worn tires from terminal owned chassis.
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Tire wear and tear inspection
In some terminals, terminal-owned chassis have to be reserved before container pick-up.
To prevent tire swapping outside of the terminal, the Camco tire inspection portal provides sharp pictures allowing measuring tire profile when a truck drives through the portal.
With sharp tire profile pictures from each chassis leaving and re-entering the terminal available, the registered tire wear is compared with normal wear for the trip duration.
With the Camco Tire Inspection Portal, chassis-fleet managers have a powerful tool to check tire wear and dissuade truck drivers from changing tires at the terminal's expense.

Prevent fraudulent tire swaps
Stop paying for non-fleet tire wear and tear. Dissuade drivers from swapping worn for new tires. Integrate the Camco tire inspection portal for keeping track of tire status.